Thursday, October 29, 2009

An Education

I began my education at Northern Illinois University in the Fall of 2005. I made it my goal to graduate in 4 years. I completed my first three, found out I would have to take 18 hours of 400 level classes during the two remaining semesters of my senior year to finish on time, so I trudged through and graduated in May 2009.

I did this because I knew (HAH!) that I would have my dream job at a PR firm lined up and waiting for me in May. I don’t feel stupid admitting this now because what graduating senior doesn’t want to think that? So, although I kept up with the news, I guess I didn’t let it sink in that the economy was on a slippery slope and it would be harder for me to find a job. I have, indeed, learned my lesson.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications. Specifically, it is Corporate Communications – which is a route taken by many at NIU who would like to do Public Relations (there’s no actual PR program).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Resume Project

Hello loyal readers (Carri), Firefox Stumblers and employers. I have made a decision that I am excited for and, at the same time, mad that I didn’t think of earlier. As I sat on the train that I take to Chicago two days a week, bored (no offense, Metra) and without a book – I had an idea. Since I have my laptop in tow, I am going to take this time and prepare a blog. A blog that I hope points me in the direction of a job. Because you see, I am going to blog about what is on my resume – piece by piece. I originally posted my resume as a “Table of Contents,” but decided a resume is something that should only be shared with potential employers. Thank you and enjoy.

Job + Blog = Blob

Okay, so the economy is rough. Very rough. But I'm not going to let it tear my dreams of working in PR. So, I've started this blog in hopes of keeping my PR juices flowing while I work on other projects along the way. I'm beginning by working on my "Resume Project" then afterward I'll be discussing the world of PR (from my POV) and will be most likely focusing on the articles I read religiously in PRSA Issues & Trends. Enjoy!