Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Part Two: Activities and Honors (Final)

I became a member of NIU’s Student Alumni Association (SAA) in the Spring of 2007. One of my roommates at the time, Deidre, was an active member and suggested that I join. The purpose of our organization was to strengthen the relationship between current students and Alumni of NIU. When I first joined, SAA was still re-establishing themselves. In Fall 2008, I assisted with recruiting new members during the first weekend of school at “Huskie Bash.” After a few more weeks of recruitment, we held our first meeting which was a networking opportunity with Alumni. I met several fabulous alums and enjoyed the experience. The organization gave great opportunities to practice networking and speaking in a professional setting. What I enjoyed most about the organization was being paired with alumni in the same field as I. This gave me a glance of what I might be doing in the future. I suggest that all students join their Student Alumni Association as well.


  1. Virginia,

    This is a great idea! As these posts are supposed to be supplemental to your resume tho, you might want to go into a bit more detail as to what you've gained from these experiences and how it has made you a better young professional. Also, resumes are for anyone who might be able to land you that dream job, not just "employers." I would suggest posting it again and linking the page in the sidebar.

